Saturday 27 December 2014

The Big Bang

First tryout on Depth in Cinema 4D.

Nightcrawler Effects

This was my Final assignment for my Advanced Diploma in Visual Effects.

The Shots with both effects compiled together.
Breakdown of both shots.

While I was doing my Lookdev for this project, there were some problems in which I faced while working on Houdini. Mainly on the fire as there weren't much of a Fluidity initially.

Initial Tests on the Fire, I realized that there wasn't any fluidity as I placed sprites on the particles and they were giving irregular rotations. Due to the fact that it's closer to the camera, I had to give up on this idea and worked on flames using pyro instead.

Initial tests on the lighting of the car. The lighting and the contrast of the vehicle didn't really match my backplate, But after a few changes in the lighting, I managed to get a look closer to what i initially had visualized.